Patient Obligations

The Patients obligations to the Practice 

  • To be punctual for all appointment times.
  • To notify the practice as early as possible, if the booked appointment cannot be kept.
  • To make separate appointments if more than one person is to be seen.
  • To accept that more than one appointment may be necessary for numerous or complicated medical problems.
  • To be patient if appointment times are running late; it is not possible to forecast the precise time each examination requires.
  • To ask for home visits only if the patient is too ill to attend the practice.
  • To contact the doctor out of hours only for a medical emergency that requires immediate attention.
  • To be courteous at all times to the practice staff. We have a zero tolerance policy to threatening and abusive behaviour.

On Friday the 19th January we will be using Accurx triage for online communication with patients. This will be replacing eConsult. Most patients will have already used Accurx when receiving or responding to SMS messages. We are making this change in response to feedback.


Accurx allows you, as the patient, to describe in your own words how we can help you. It also allows the team to have a much more open dialogue, ask more relevant questions and direct you to the most appropriate service. Those not wishing to use online methods will still have the same access via the telephones or by visiting reception and will be asked similar questions.


We would like to thank you for your support and patience in the interim.