Clinics and Services

Clinics and service provision

Here at Alexander House Surgery, we offer a range of clinics. Our reception team will ask you a series of questions to ensure you’re booked with the most appropriate clinician. 

Travel advice and immunisations

Please book an appointment with one of the nurses for any immunisations required for travel. You can also obtain travel advice from Reception.
Download our Travel Questionnaire in our ‘Forms’ section

Family Planning

All of the doctors offer family planning advice which is dealt with in the course of a normal surgery. Implants and IUCDs (contraceptive coils) can be fitted at the surgery but please check with reception.

Child Health Surveillance

A full programme of Child Health Surveillance is undertaken at the surgery, where the doctors work in co-operation with the health visitors to provide a comprehensive service of examinations, vaccinations and advice. You will be notified at regular intervals when your child is due to be seen.

Minor Surgery 

Dr Serpant does minor surgery on those conditions which can be dealt with easily and quickly. This may be done at the surgery, or you may be referred locally for treatment.

Flu Vaccination

An influenza vaccination is particularly recommended for patients over 65 and those pateints with heart, lung or kidney disease, diabetes and residents of nursing and rest homes.